Sponsor Adrian Baraka

DATE OF BIRTH: 1/1/2009

Background History

Adrian Baraka’s journey through life has been a testament to resilience and the indomitable human spirit. Today, we invite you to be part of this extraordinary odyssey and help shape Adrian’s story into one of empowerment and independence. Adrian’s life took a challenging turn when he was found stranded on the streets of Nairobi, a physically disabled individual facing a world that often seemed indifferent to his struggles. With no reported cases of a missing child, local authorities stepped in, and Adrian was placed in Nairobi Remand before finding his way to our organization, guided by the caring hands of a dedicated children’s officer and a compassionate social worker.
Adrian’s journey is marked by unique hurdles. Communication poses a significant challenge for him, and his growth has been slower compared to his peers. While he may not speak in the conventional sense, his ability to comprehend and his use of sign language are remarkable, allowing him to express himself in ways that touch the heart.

Programs Involved In:

Your support means that Adrian will have access to vital palliative care, a healthcare plan, and a range of rehabilitation activities. It also ensures that he receives the specialized education he requires at this pivotal stage of his life, when the impact is the greatest. Your love and support are the cornerstones of Adrian’s journey toward growth and development.
We invite you to be a part of Adrian’s story—a story that transforms challenges into triumphs, barriers into bridges, and vulnerability into strength. Your generosity will not only change his life but also inspire others to see the potential within themselves.

Childs monthly sponsorship- KES 5000/=